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5 Unique Ways to Announce a Twin Pregnancy


Sremska Mitrovica 02.23.2020

There’s always a beautiful feeling that comes with pregnancy news. But if it’s confirmed that you have a twin, it gives you and everybody around you endless joy.

There are several creative ways to announce a twin pregnancy. Most times, your friends and relative may not be aware of the fact that you are expecting a twin. But you can have some fun when breaking the great news to them.

Of course, there are several articles about how to announce a twin pregnancy online. But we have taken our time to share five unique ways to announce a twin pregnancy that will make everybody emotional. Sounds interesting, right? Keep reading…

#1. Two Peas in a Pod

Placing two peas in a pod is one of the most creative and unique ways to announce your twin pregnancy. It’s so unique, and your friends can easily understand the message without thinking twice.

I have seen expecting parents and their little daughters made a twin announcement in two peas in a pod. Trust me; it was a fantastic experience.

The expectant parents waited until the end of the first trimester before making the pregnancy announcement. Coincidentally, they discovered that they were going to have a twin. So, the couples’ daughter held the two peas in a pod and placed her hands on her parents’ hands. Instead of sharing the ultrasound pictures on Facebook, the family shared the picture of their daughter holding two peas in a pod. And the reaction was a phenomenon.

#2. Twins Balloon Banner

Creating twins balloon banner is another fun way to announce a twin pregnancy. Imagine you and your hubby holding a balloon banner with the write up “Twins” in front of your friends and family? It will immediately throw the atmosphere into a celebration mood.

Alternatively, you can take a beautiful photograph of you and your husband holding the twins’ balloon banner and share it on Social media. This would generate a series of funny reactions from your friends, relations, and acquaintance online.

#3. Wall with Math on It

I love this twin pregnancy announcement approach. It gives your friends and family time to brainstorm before understanding the concept behind the equation. The first time I witness the wall with a math twin pregnancy announcement scene, it was so emotional and fun.

I was passing, and I saw a beautiful couple taking photos. The husband was carrying their little son while standing on the left side of the wall; they left a pace and inscribed a bold plus sign before the mom stood next to it. There was another big space after the mom, and a bold equal sign was written before the number 5. From the equation, you can tell that the family is having a twin; it’s such a great way to announce that you are expecting twins. The beauty of this approach is that people need to do a little math before realizing that you aren’t just having a baby. If you are using this approach, ensure you have experienced photographers around to take beautiful photos of the event.

#4. Double Trouble Announcement

You can also use a double trouble announcement to tell your friends and relatives that you are expecting a twin. With the right concept, this approach is entertaining and fabulous. You can use chalk to write “Double Trouble Arriving Soon,” snap a photo of the blackboard and share it with your friends on Facebook.

This idea is a more direct but fun way to tell your friends and acquaintance that you are expecting a twin.

#5. Eat For 3

Eat for 3 is the last idea to announce a twin pregnancy on our list. It involves you eating food meant for three people. It could be three cupcakes or other edibles; the essence of this is to send a message that you are expecting a twin.

Trust me; it takes serious thinking outside the box to understand the message you are trying to send with Eat for three announcement idea.

These are some of the unique ways to announce a twin pregnancy. If you adapt any of the ideas mentioned in this article, your twin pregnancy announcement will be surprising and fun.

Was this article helpful? Don’t forget to share with your friends on social media. If you have any questions or contributions, kindly drop your comment in the box below.

Tnx to: oglasi




Are you wondering why the word “Ketosis” is vital in the keto diet program? Your body needs to enter into a metabolic process referred to as Ketosis. This process leads to the production of ketones by the liver. The ketones come from fats stored in the muscles and will be turned to fuel for the body. Your body can only get into Ketosis when it runs short of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the regular energy source, and when this source runs out, the body depends on fats stored out in the muscles.
Putting your body system into “Ketosis.”
Your body will naturally get into Ketosis when it runs out of glucose and needs to depend on fat-based fuel as a source of energy. However, you can induce the process by drastically cutting down on your carbohydrate intake. If you eat more carbohydrate, it takes more time to put your body in Ketosis. Other factors that could indirectly affect the rate which your body gets into Ketosis are your lifestyle, dietary plans and your health goals.
Your body can only enter Ketosis when you completely exhaust your sugar and carb storage. The process cannot happen suddenly. You have to allow your body to deplete these sugar sources gradually. The fastest way to achieve this is by decreasing your carb intake. This will cause your body to turn to the fat stored in your muscles as an alternative source of energy.
Once your body system gets into Ketosis, you will begin to feel stronger even when you eat little carbohydrate. Using the SKD ratio of 20–30g of carbs every day, you will get into Ketosis within 5–7 days. Once your body becomes “keto-adopted”, It depends solely on fat-based fuel as the primary source of energy.
Tips on how to smoothly get into Ketosis
To seamlessly put your body into Ketosis, follow these simple steps:
Cut down on your carbohydrate consumption
The first step to putting your body into Ketosis is by drastically reducing your carbohydrate intake. To hasten the process, you should consume about 20–30g of carbs per day. However, the quantity is subject to adjustment depending on your goals.
Increase your physical activity
Working out regularly is one way of burning out glucose storage. When you work out, you force your body to look for an alternative source of energy. Thus, your liver produces more ketones, and your body adjusts to the new source of fuel.

Use more coconut oil in your meals
The Medium-chain triglycerides fat in coconut oil aids the liver to produce more ketones. The body quickly absorbs these fats and converts them to ketones. Hence, coconut oil helps to boost your ketone levels, putting your body system in Ketosis.
Eat more healthy fat
To smoothly put your body into Ketosis, your daily fat consumption should be 80% of your total calorie intake. Thus, you need to eat more healthy fat from chicken broth, olive oil, ground beef, butter and coconut oil.
Embrace intermediate fasting
When you combine healthy fats with intermediate fasting, your body produces more ketones. Thus, you can quickly get into Ketosis as your body regularly works to provide more fuel.
Don’t cut off your protein intake
A lot of people make the mistake of cutting down on their protein consumption. This will not only complicate the keto process but harm your body. Your body needs a moderate amount of protein consumption to produce amino acids. However, too much protein may affect the operation of ketone production.
Getting your body into Ketosis within three days
It sounds too good to be true right? It’s possible but would take a lot of self-discipline and determination. To get your body into Ketosis within three days, you must drastically drop your daily intake to less than 20g. You also need to engage in physical activities to increase the rate which your body burns glucose.
To get your body into Ketosis within a very short time, you need to eat more healthy fat. Here, you don’t have to worry about the number of calories you consume. Eat healthier fat, little carb and the right amount of protein to increase the amount of fat in your liver. Thus, your body will have no option but to switch to its fat-burning process quickly.
The challenges you would face will be as a result of strong reaction from your body. You would feel severe hunger pangs and suffer the Keto flu. However, if you can get through and put your body into Ketosis, you can adjust your calorie intake and work towards your weight loss goals.
How do you tell your body is in Ketosis?
The easiest way to tell that your body is in Ketosis is the change in your physical and mental state. You can further confirm by taking a test. However, you will notice the following changes when your body enters Ketosis:

Sharpened cognitive function
When your body gets into Ketosis, your brain cells improves, hence become mentally sharper. The brain cells function better when fueled by Ketosis.
Foul breath
Another sign that shows your body system is in Ketosis is your breathing will become rancid. The increase of ketones in your system will cause your breath to stink. Acetone is the ketone responsible for this foul smell.
Reduced appetite
When your body enters into ketosis, you will experience a lesser urge to eat. The brain gets the message and suppresses the urge and cravings for food.
Increased urge to drink water
As you get rid of the glucose storage, your body also loses its water storage. Hence, you will notice an increased urge to drink more water.
The initial drop in energy levels followed by a sharp increase
Initially, you will feel weak as your body depletes its glucose. Your body loses water too and will cause you to drop in your physical performance. Once your body adapts to the new fuel source, you will notice a sudden spike in your energy levels.

Weight loss
Another visible sign of Ketosis is weight loss. Once your body gets into Ketosis, you will lose weight from the drop in your fluid levels. Your body also starts burning up the fats stored in them, hence the weight loss.
The following signs show your journey towards weight loss through a keto diet is successfully kicking out. However, to confirm you are actually in Ketosis, you should take a test.
How do you test for Ketosis?
The only way to confirm you are in Ketosis is to take a test. The following are the three primary ways to test your body system for Ketosis;
Urine test
You can take quick urine tests using ketone test strips. All you need do is pee on the strip and wait for the results. If there are ketones on your urine, the strip will pick it up. The indicator may show the intensity of the ketones, depending on the brand of the strip you are using.
Urine strips are great if you wish to find out your progress at the initial stage of your keto diet. However, it’s not a reliable way to test for your level of ketones in the long run.
You can buy ketone strips online or on any local store that sells diabetic supplies.
Blood test
Another way to test for Ketosis is the ketone meter blood test. The process is simple, and you can get the kits online or in your local drug store. The process is identical to how diabetic patients check for blood sugar. All you need do is pick your thumb, drop your blood on the strip, and the machine will check for the level of Beta-hydroxybutyrate in your blood.
This process is expensive, especially when you have to test yourself multiple times in a day. If you don’t like pricking yourself, you may also find it difficult.
Breath test
If you don’t like needles and looking for a long-term and accurate ketosis testing method, then you should invest in a breath meter. A breath meter may be expensive at first, but you will save on the number of times you can use the meter. All you need do is plug it to a power source and breath into it. The meter gives you different readings of the acetone levels in your breath. Read the product description of the meter you purchase for steps on how to get your results.
Do I need to worry about my ketone levels?
The most crucial purpose of carrying out a ketone test is to find out if your body is in Ketosis. You can only worry about your ketone levels if you have medical directives from a doctor. Focus on your weight loss goals rather than your ketone level. Your ketone level will change regularly, so you don’t have to worry about the numbers.
How do I stay in Ketosis?
The goal of the keto diet is to keep your body in Ketosis. When your body system is in Ketosis, you burn stored up fat and lose weight. Therefore, if you continue to your daily intake of calories in the right proportion, your body will remain in Ketosis.
When is the right time to make adjustments?
It’s advised you stay with the standard ketogenic diet plan for at least one year before you think of cycling out of the diet. This will give you ample time to work on your cravings. After one year, you can cycle in and out of Ketosis.

Do I need to cycle out of Ketosis?
You may need to cycle out of Ketosis after a while to help restore your body to its natural fuel cycle. Cycling out of Ketosis will wake up your body and help you recover after the long process of Ketosis.

How to flawlessly cycle out of Ketosis?
To cycle out of Ketosis, you need to reverse your eating patterns. Choose a day and take more of carbohydrate. These carbs would go into replenishing your muscles rather than storing up as fat. To get back to Ketosis, you need to resume your regular keto diet routine.
Bottom line
The following information will help you understand the metabolic process behind Ketosis. Armed with the right information, you can make better-informed decisions about your diet and achieve your weight loss goals.
Feel free to be in touch with the keto community and share your concerns for expert solutions. Good luck!

Thanks to: Sremska Mitrovica and Oglasi

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