(* a subsidiary company of CyberLife )

Welcome to *Avatarize!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create a digital copy of yourself? Well, with Avatarize Me, you can do just that!

How Avatarization Works

Have you ever seen a really exciting video that made you feel like you were part of it? Well, the video that we use to create avatars is even more intense! It's designed to make your brain light up like a Christmas tree, with lots of little electrical signals called synapses firing all over the place.

These synapses help your brain think and feel, and the video is able to map out all of the connections between them. Think of it like drawing a map of all the roads in a city - except instead of roads, it's mapping the connections in your brain!

Customize Your Avatar

Once we have this map, we can create a digital copy of your consciousness - kind of like a digital twin of you! It's like having a video game character that looks just like you, but it thinks and acts like you too. Pretty cool, right? You can customize your avatar to make it look exactly how you want. You can give it different hairstyles, choose the clothes it wears, and even make it look like a superhero! After all, the avatar is you and wants to be what you always wanted to be!

What Can Your Avatar Do?

It can do all kinds of amazing things that you might not be able to do in real life! Imagine going to school or traveling to a faraway place without ever leaving your room. Your avatar can do all of that and more! Plus, your avatar can learn new things by experiencing things that you might not have the chance to do in real life. It's like having a superhero version of yourself!

The Future of Avatarization

But, the really exciting thing is that in the future, we might be able to put our avatars into physical androids! Androids are like really cool robots that can look and act just like people! But, it's important to remember that these androids are owned by Avatarize Me, the company that creates your avatar. So, just like your toys, they can be played with by anyone Avatarize Me decides. And get this, the digitized brain of the user can be cloned thousands of times into new android sleeves. That means there could be lots and lots of copies of you, all doing different things!


So, that's how avatarization works! It all starts with a special video that maps out your brain, and ends with a digital copy of yourself that can do all kinds of amazing things. If you're interested in creating an avatar of yourself, be sure to check out some of our preview avatars!